Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Green Cathedral

In the movie Faith Like Potatoes, the main character - a farmer who has just found the Lord - lays in the middle of his corn fields, reads his bible and prays. He tells his pastor it's his "green cathedral." The term resonated with me because I worship in my garden; it is a place that I feel very close to the Lord. Many of my friends have heard me relate the smell of soil to worship. When we have nice weather, I like to take my coffee out there in the morning. And no matter how many times I sit there looking at the exact plants I looked at the day before, I am still in awe of my Creator.

If you look around... really pay attention... you will see God in every leaf, every snowflake, every bug, every flower. The world is His cathedral... worship wherever you are.


  1. Amen to that! There's something about the wait it smells outside after a good rainfall. That and the smell of fresh cut grass always makes me smile and praise God.

  2. This is beautiful! He amazes me also in His creations! I just watched this movie a while ago! I was glad to see someone else had watched it too! :)


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